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English Add/Drop Process
English Add/Drop Process
Please carefully read the information below about the English Dept. add/drop process for the Spring 2025 Semester.
Weeks 1 and 2
Jan. 21 - Jan. 31
Use your Student Center on MySacstate to drop and add ENGL classes in week 1 and week 2. Other than exceptions listed below, you do not need instructor permission to add or drop of course during this period.
Note the following exceptions:
To add ENGL 120A, ENGL 125A, ENGL 125B, ENGL 198T, and ENGL WI courses during weeks 1 and 2 of the semester students are required to request permission from the instructor by submitting their request via an OnBase Form.
To drop any ENGL course students should use their student center on MySacstate.
Errors or Holds?
Class Prerequisites:
If you are unable to register for a course because of a class requisite error and have proof you meet the requisites email your name, student ID number, the 5 digit course ID number (ex. 86502) along with proof of requisite and if there is space available a staff member will add you. Send your support material and request to
If you are unable to register for a class because of a hold error please contact the appropriate office and work to remove the hold. Once the hold has been removed then add yourself to the class if space is still available.
After week 2, you must still submit an add request through your student center in OnBase.
Weeks 3 and 4
Feb. 3 - Feb. 14
During weeks 3 and 4 of the semester students are required to request permission from the instructor via the online Onbase Add/Drop form to add or drop a class. Enrollment is dependent on instructor permission. To access the form log on to MySacState and navigate to the OnBase Forms page and select the “Petition to Add/Drop/Withdraw from Courses” form.
Census Date
All drops after census date need to use the online OnBase form/petition. Log on to MySacState and navigate to the OnBase Forms page and select the “Petition to Add/Drop/Withdraw from Courses” form.
NOTE: After census date a W will be posted. For more information please review the University Drop Policy:
Weeks 5 and 6
Feb. 18 - Feb. 28
To add or drop an ENGL course use the University online OnBase form/petition. Log on to MySacState and navigate to the OnBase Forms page and select the “Petition to Add/Drop/Withdraw from Courses” form.
Approved petitions will be forwarded to the Registrar’s office to process the add/drop.
Adds – Late fee $10.
Weeks 7 through 12
Mar. 3 - Apr. 18
To add/drop a course use the online OnBase form/petition. Log on to MySacState and navigate to the OnBase Forms page and select the “Petition to Add/Drop/Withdraw from Courses” form.
Add or drop requests are approved by the college Dean. Reasons for withdrawal during this period include only medical or work related circumstances clearly beyond the control of the student; a student initiated job change, carrying an excessive course load, or inadequate preparation do not qualify.
After week 12
Apr. 21 - May 9
No Drops except in cases of accident or serious illness – doctor’s note required. All add and drop requests must be submitted through OnBase in your MySacState. Please include any required justification and documentation.
Finals Week
May 12 - May 16
Absolutely NO drops.
Errors or Holds?
Class Prerequisites:
If you are unable to enroll in a course during Open Registration because of a class requisite error and have proof you meet the requisites, please email directly with your name, student ID number, the specific class you want to enroll in, and proof of your qualification for the class.
After week 2, submit an online OnBase form/petition. To do so log on to MySacState and navigate to the OnBase Forms page and select the “Petition to Add/Drop/Withdraw from Courses” form. You must attach proof that you meet the requisite to your petition or your request will be denied. If denied you will need to re-submit your request along with proof of requisite.
If you are unable to register for a class because of a hold and you submit an online add form, your request will be denied. Please contact the appropriate office and work to remove the hold then resubmit your form through OnBase Forms.
After week 2, you must still submit an add request through your student center in OnBase.